As you might have read in my last post - I am just planing the building of an awesome terrain piece for the game DARK AGE. The terrain is for the brand new robotic faction called CORE.
The RED MESA is an old industry area where the CORE used to survive the apocalypse. They are reorganizing the vandalized industry complex to establish there robotic society.
First step of all terrain building is a good research. The RED MESA is located in a desert area with the typical red wasteland look. There are rocks and sand dunes and the relics of further inhabitants - exploited gas tanks, rundown fences and ruined buildings.
The so called CORE HIVE is located under the surface - the entry is an double winged hatch door that leads down in the ground.
So the first thing to do is to get some inspiration. So I requested google for items like "hatch door", "vault entry" and other scenery elements that could be on an area like RED MESA.
After that I start to make some simple sketches to get a feeling for what should happen. Before starting to built the terrain piece, you have to think about several things like: Should it be a diorama or a modular and more playable board? - How big do you have to make a certain entrance situation? - Where are miniatures able to stand without wobbling away ? - and many more!
To test the size of the terrain areas I cut out some bases to get a feeling for the miniatures needed space.
Member - good planing is the way to make less big mistakes! So if you have any idea or inspiration for me!? Please let me know before finishing this project!
Member - good planing is the way to make less big mistakes! So if you have any idea or inspiration for me!? Please let me know before finishing this project!
Um ein cooles und interessantes Geländestück zu bauen, muss man am Anfang Nachforschungen betreiben.
Dazu nutzt der internetaffine Geländebauer die Suchmaschine Google und fragt mit den richtigen Begriffen die Bildersuche ab. Man erhält also jede Menge Inspiration zu den entscheidenden Fragen: Wie sehen Felsen aus? Wie hat eine Drahtzaun umzuknicken? Und Vieles mehr ...
Danach folgt das Erstellen von Skizzen und die Überlegungen zu den verschiedenen Elementen des Geländestücks: Wie groß müssen die Eingänge sein? - Welche Modelle müsse an welchen Stellen genug Platz vorfinden, ohne herunter zu kullern? - UND und und!
Um den Platz für die Miniaturen abschätzen zu können, habe ich ein paar Schablonen geschnitten.
Genrell gilt: Planung ist die halb Miete! Also wenn Euch irgendwas einfällt oder ihr einen Tipp habt, immer her damit und am besten vor Fertigstellung dieses Projekts!
All the best & bis die Tage!
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