Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013



I want to show you my newest product. A foldable gaming table for wargames like Warhammer, Warmachine, Infinity or Dark Age.

The gaming table consists in two parts which form assembled the gaming surface. The table is transportable and easy to use. When the table is assembled you have a compact and stable box with two professional case handles. The box itself is a stable construction made out of high quality wood. The construction mechanism depends on using fasteners which musicians make use of.

The gaming surface is replaceable. You can have different terrain inlays like a desert scenery or just for example a city fight footing. You can replace and fix the different subsurface with three screws for each side.

The result is a solid foldable gaming table which is very easy to use and to transport.

Check out the video about the functions of this unique foldable gaming table:    

If you are interested in a product like this just contact me via email. We can create a similar one or a table that suits to your needs.

All the best!

p.s.: This table was built for the guys from DARK AGE APOCALYPSE!

Montag, 14. Januar 2013

WARGAMING TERRAIN: Dark Age - Core Hive - Red Mesa


It is done! I finally finished my first commission work for the guys from DARK AGE. It was a rocky road to travel and there is much that could be done better in the future but I am really satisfied with my work.

The whole RED MESA consist in a foldable gaming table and a set of modular terrain pieces. It is possible to play different scenarios with this set of terrain. If you are a DARK AGE gamer you eventually know the stories about RED MESA and the CORE.

It is a conflict about resources which are located on the RED MESA area and it begins in an old storage building and ends beyond the surface. With this terrain set it is possible to reenact the action at RED MESA.

The whole setting is based on an apocalypse that happened on the planet SAMARIA. The survivors fight against each others for supplies and power. Every faction wants to be successful when it comes to interact in a post apocalyptic world.

The centerpiece on RED MESA is the entry to the CORE-HIVE. The CORE are a robotic faction which interact like insectst without any moral. They are just establishing there strong and fearless empire beyond the surface of SAMARIA.

GERMAN: So! Es ist getan! Meine Arbeiten an RED MESA für die Macher von DARK AGE sind abgeschlossen. Der Weg war steinig und mühsam, aber letztlich bin ich mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden.

Das Ganze Projekt umfasst einen faltbaren Spieltisch, dazu gehört ein Set aus Einzelmodellen, mit denen die Geschehnisse auf dem RED MESA Komplex nachgestellt werden können. Es geht um das Überleben in einer post apokalyptischen Welt namens SAMARIA. Auf einem ehemaligen Industriekomplex kommt es zum Showdown mit der neusten Fraktion des Spiels, den CORE. Die CORE sind Roboter und das Ziel ihrer künstlichen Intelligenz ist einfach, es geht um das Überleben und den Ausbau der eigenen Territorien.

Here you can see different possibilities of setting up the terrain pieces:

The storage building is the main cause and interest for the survivors on Samaria. Here  you can find resources and supplies.
This is an relay station - perhaps it is is reasonable to reactivate the emitter to establish an old network?  
This is where the CORE enter the RED MESA - an old entry through an underground complex. The big hatch doors are leading to an mysterious labyrinth of  corridors and tunnels.  

 If you are interested and want to see more impressions of RED MESA just check this galleries: CLICK

All the best and happy wargaming!

Freitag, 4. Januar 2013

MODEL TERRAIN TUTORIAL: How to make a rock scenery for your background

I am currently building a rock scenery for my tabletop projects. It should be used as a background for pictures and I want to make it fit for several different scenarios. To make this become reality I want to build it modular so it could be used for science fiction, fantasy and all other uses. The main mountain massif consist of 4 single modules. To get the feeling for the different settings I will design some typical structures which could be plugged in and could be replaced with other parts. Those structures could be landing platforms or mine entries or bunkers just to pick out some possible variants.

I am just about creating the main setup which means to find out where are the spots for miniatures. Where can I construct some plateaus or caves. Till now I do not use any glue cause of making experiments with the different elements of the structure itself. Everything is removable. I will take all the time till it is really fitting to my thoughts! And perhaps yours if you write an constructive comment beyond this post.

There are many questions to solve:

1. In what kind of scenario will this rocky terrain work fit in? 

I will try to make a more or less universal rock scenery that will be usable for the most landscapes and climate zones. To do this I want to give the rock a multicolored surface in several brown and grey tones.

2. How do I sculpt the rock structure itself? 

I am not sure if I should work with styrodur and give it a certain comic like look or to work with bark and filler. Bark seems to be a very popular method nowadays. There are plus and minus points for both methods.

GERMAN: Ich habe mich dazu entschlossen eine Felswand als Hintergrund zu bauen. Das Gelände soll modular aufgebaut sein. Die vier Teile passen zueinander und sollen in möglichst vielen verschiedenen Themenbereichen einsetzbar sein, also von der Realität über Fantasy bis hin zu Sciencefiction. Um dieses zu ermöglichen, sollen auswechselbare Elemente entwickelt werden, wie zum Beispiel Landeplatformen, Bunker, Aussichtstürme oder der Eingang zu einem Bergwerk.

Die Grundstruktur des Models habe ich aus Styrodur geschichtet und bisher noch nicht verklebt. Ich möchte zuerst die genaue Form der Landschaft entwickeln. Also wo sollen Überhänge und Plateaus sein und wo Schluchten und Höhlen? Ich möchte ein möglichst gut bespielbares Bergmassiv bauen, auf dem notfalls auch eine ganze Armee genug Platz findet, um sich dem Gegner zu stellen.

Wie genau die Oberfläche gestaltet werden soll, ist auch noch nicht entschieden. Ob Rinde oder geschnitztes Styrodur? Außerdem möchte ich versuchen Felsen zu erschaffen, die auch in möglichst vielen Landschaften und Klimazonen passend wirken können. Es soll also universell einsetzbar sein. Ich bin gespannt, wo hier die Grenzen der Vielseitigkeit sind und freue mich wirklich über jeglichen Input! Kommentiert und kritisiert was das Zeug hält! :-)

Best & beste Grüße!